


纽约医院’s 医疗保健帮助中心 is an easily accessible service w在这里 new 和 established patients (和 even community members) can find answers to questions about their health care path. Our experts will be happy to provide caring 支持 和 guidance in a comfortable, 保密的环境.

The 医疗保健帮助中心 is located in the lower level of the Henry Warner Building, 约克校区医院路16号. 参观只接受预约,所以请打电话 (207) 351-2345 安排一个时间和冰球突破的团队见面.


Our 护理 Access Nurse is 在这里 to guide you through the 医疗保健 system 和 improve your access to care 服务. That includes explaining the different 服务 纽约医院 offers, helping you find primary care 和 specialty 供应商, 提供临床指导, 和 answering your questions about follow-up care. 如果你是来度假的, 冰球突破也可以解释你的护理选择, 和 if you’re unable to reach your provider’s office about a particular concern, 冰球突破可以帮忙.


有很多项目, 服务, 和 resources offered by the hospital 和 community that can help improve your quality of life — 和 our licensed social worker is happy to connect you to them! 这可以包括:

  • 关于如何找到家庭帮佣的指导
  • Information about what to do when an elderly parent is having difficulty living independently
  • 冰球突破 about alternative housing options for those who are no longer able to live on their own
  • Assistance obtaining a wheelchair, walker, or other equipment
  • 社区冰球突破信息, 比如送餐上门, 食品分发处, 老年人法律援助, 以及燃料援助


Our Prescription Assistance Navigator is ready to ease your mind about the added costs of prescription medications. Our Prescription Assistance Program offers patients information 和 help lowering prescription drug costs. We can educate you about pharmaceutical company assistance programs, state 和 federal programs (including 医疗保险 Part D), 以及低成本仿制药项目.


We underst和 the insurance marketplace can be challenging to navigate. But our team is 在这里 to help — educating about federal 和 state insurance plan options 和 assisting with online enrollment. If you want help navigating insurance, reach out to us at: getcovered@eatingfish.net.

请注意, while we can assist Maine residents with Marketplace, 医疗保险, 和医疗补助, we’re only able to assist New Hampshire residents with Medicaid. If you live in New Hampshire 和 are seeking Marketplace or 医疗保险 coverage (or someone local to assist you), 访问 医疗保健.政府医疗保险.政府.

If you’re looking for 纽约医院’s shoppable service list or have billing questions, 请浏览以下网页:



Need help with appointment scheduling or referrals?

Our friends at the 护理访问呼叫中心 are ready to help. They h和le provider referrals 和 pre-certification, 以及测试的安排, 程序, 病人的运输.



希望更新或重新申请保险? 这里有一些值得注意的日期.

联邦医疗保险开放登记 begins October 15, 2024 和 ends December 7, 2024. This period is for anyone who currently has 医疗保险 和 wishes to change plans for the next year.


Open enrollment for the marketplace begins November 1, 2024 和 ends January 15, 2025.



If you missed the deadline for enrollment, you may be eligible for special enrollment.



If you’ve been notified that it is time to renew your Medicaid, return the renewal form that you received in the mail or renew online.



If you’ve been notified that you no longer qualify for Medicaid 和 do not have access to insurance through an employer, you can enroll online for a plan through the Health 保险 Marketplace.




Remember these important dates — 和 if you’re new to 医疗保险, consider attending an 信息研讨会 来自南缅因老龄化研究机构.

  • Annual Enrollment Period, w在这里 anyone with 医疗保险 can make a change: October 15 – December 7
  • 医疗保险优势开放注册期, w在这里 anyone with 医疗保险 Advantage can make a change: January 1 – March 31
  • 初始注册期, for those aging into eligibility: A seven-month period beginning three months before the month of your 65th birthday 和 ending three months after it
  • 一般入学时间, for those who missed their 初始注册期: January 1 – March 31
  • 特殊招生期, 对于那些正在经历资格赛的人, such as moving out of your plan’s service area or losing coverage through an employer: Dates depend on your eligibility


If you need help finding affordable 医疗保健, use these resources to get started.

如果你是缅因州的居民, find affordable coverage for you 和 your family at CoverME.政府 — the website for the Maine Health 保险 Marketplace. If you’re a New Hampshire resident, 访问 Healthcare.政府.



如果你是缅因州的居民, 看看Maine护理, which helps cover medical 和 preventative 医疗保健 costs. If you're a New Hampshire resident, explore your options on the 医疗保险 website.



Need help underst和ing how insurance works? Follow this link to an educational video from the Kaiser Family Foundation that can help.


纠结于选择健康计划? 使用CoverME提供的这些在线工具.政府和医疗保健.来帮助你决定哪个是最适合你的.

